The children will be mine. They don't have a choice.

Yuina (Rest in peace...She's...Not very active anymore...*sniff*) and Adolfin are my discord kittens!

Yandere Simulator is a ripoff of hitman and a game I use to squeeze the money out of my fans. I also use it to make porn of high school students and the camera can go all the way around so i can jerk off to ayano's panties.

This game is currently in development, and will probably be in development for around 40 years. A demo build is available here:

Download Demo

Please keep in mind that the demo contains bugs, so many in fact that almost every update is a bug fix. I'm hardly working on the game at all too.

I am not responsible for any damage to your GPU.

Every week, a new girl will fall in love with your Senpai by some strange ass coincidence - you must murder her before she can confess her love to him on Friday! There's a lot of options on the table, Like stabbing her because the school has knives for some stupid reason, getting her expelled because the counselor is a fucking dumbass, or pushing her into an IRON MAIDEN because that's obviously something every school has!

Everyone at school knows your name and face, and they only care about what you do and judge you for your every action. It's okay for another student to carry a giant pipewrench but it's a different story if you do it. Oh, also, if you look at the students your fps will go into the negatives. Sorry not sorry.

When you commit murder, your victims will glitch out because of their broken ass ragdoll physics, and you'll also get to look at their underwear! You have to clean up the murder or the police will find out, because they know every individual person's blood and have everyone in the countries' fingerprints somehow.

Created by Alex's biggest hater. This site IS meant to attack YandereDev and troll him. I am not sorry

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